They're also essential in SCP-173 encounters, as they effectively disable it as a threat by having so many eyes trained on it, making its recontainment easy. They are currently invincible (but will eventually be killable) and have unlimited ammo for their P90s, so they are very helpful allies during Class-D encounters. The NTF's AIs mindlessly patrol the facility. Their primary objective is to recapture all escaped hostile SCP entities, restore power to areas of the facility that have been damaged and terminate any rogue D-Class.
This MTF squad consists of 9 men (each representing 1 tail) split into 3 units (a foxtrot) consisting of 3 men each that are intensively trained in protection and recontainment of SCP items at a breached SCP site.
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11, designated Nine-Tailed Fox, is the Mobile Task Force squad sent to handle the containment breach of the SCP: Containment Breach Nine Tailed Fox Mod.